

LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) is the registration interface for scholarly publications. In addition, LUCRIS also contains other research information, such as information on researchers, research groups, projects or research-related activities within, for example, external engagement.

In many cases, researchers can make their work freely accessible in full text. To Lund University; Alumni; Staff; Library; Search Svenska. Search. Svenska Listen About us Management and organisation The departments. Education Master's studies Applying for studies Study guidance and support Student life Security and fire safety.

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Some documents,… Universityadmissions.se is the site where you apply to study at Lund University or other higher education institutions in Sweden. Please note that you must have a confirmed account at Universityadmissions.se to activate your user account at Lund University via Universityadmissions.se. ࡱ > U W J K L M N O P Q R S T d% bjbj 2 { {| .) > > 84 ,` Swedish professional law degree programme. Master's programmes.

LUCRIS has replaced LUP as input interface for reserarch output LUCRIS is a Current Research Information System for research information that aims to collect and visualize different aspects of a researcher's work. LUCRIS is a research information system with the purpose to enable registration of research information and to compile the collective research of individual researchers, research teams and Lund University as a whole.

Here you will find information about our Welcome days and a welcome package with information about Sweden, Lund and Lund University. A comprehensive guide will help you when settling in as a new citizen. We have also compiled information about the practical things you will need in order to start working.

The Research Portal is the external interface of LUCRIS, with the purpose to give external visitors a picture of what research is conduced here at LU. Forskningsportalen är LUCRIS externa gränssnitt, en portal som möjliggör för externa besökare att söka och hitta forskare och forskning från Lunds universitet på ett och samma ställe. På följande sidor hittar du information om LUCRIS och forskningsportalen, som är det publika visningsgränssnittet för information inlagd i LUCRIS. LUCRIS, Lund University Current Research Information System, is Lund University’s new current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, projects, publications and activities. They will all of which will be searchable in a the common research portal that presents research from the entire Lund University.

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Lund University has an Open Access policy. Researchers are expected (although not obliged) to deposit a copy of their publication/s in LUCRIS. Research funders are increasingly requiring publicly funded research to be freely available.

2020-01-30 All publications from the department in the Lund University research portal. Open positions Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Lund University Sölvegatan 12 S-223 62 Lund Sweden.

LUCRIS is Lund university's research information system. The Research Portal is the external interface of LUCRIS, with the purpose to give external visitors a picture of what research is conduced here at LU. On the following pages, you will find information about LUCRIS and the Research Portal, which is the public interface for the information entered in LUCRIS but also guides, frequently LUCRIS, Lund University Current Research Information System, is Lund University’s new current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, projects, publications and activities.They will all of which will be searchable in a the common research portal that presents research from the entire Lund University.
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Reviewed and validated research output is public and visible in Lund University research portal. I LUCRIS (Lund University Current Reasearch Information System) lägger du in information om dig som forskare, dina projekt, publikationer och aktiviteter. De är sökbara i Forskningsportalen som presenterar hela universitetets forskning. LUCRIS is Lund university's research information system.

Open positions Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Lund University Sölvegatan 12 S-223 62 Lund Sweden. Faculty of Science | Lund University. Shortcuts.

LUCRAM. Visiting address: Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety. V building, John Ericssons Väg 1, Lund, Sweden. Mailing address: P.O Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

LUCRIS is both a system for Lunds universitet. Vår ordinarie webbplats ligger för tillfället nere, men vi arbetar på att snarast ha den i funktion igen. Aktuell driftinformation LUCRIS Graduate School Management (GSM) is a system for the registration of all formal steps regarding admission, progress, and graduation during the PhD track.

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LUCRIS is a research information system whose purpose is not only to register and highlight Lund University's research publications, but also projects, collaborations and other research-related activities. Having this information collected in one place provides a positive image of you as a researcher linked to the university. How does it work?

Ändrar du information om publikationerna i LUCRIS uppdateras ORCID profilen automatiskt. Kontakta oss. Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap LUX, Lunds universitet Box 192 221 00 LUND 046-222 00 00 (vxl) reception lux.lu se Lund University’s APC fund is managed by the University Library and currently comprises SEK 1.25 million per year. This support for publication fees in open access journals is distributed according to the principle “first come, first served” and covers 50 percent of the cost of an APC. Note that in cases where the publication takes place in collaboration with other higher education LUCRIS stands for Lund University Current Research Information System. The public web portal is called Research portal.

Listed here are four situations, with slightly different conditions, in which you can use self-archiving to make your publications available in full text as well as how to do it. Contact your subject library for questions regarding self-archiving

LUCRIS öppnar för inmatning den 11 April 2016. LUCRIS kommer att ersätta vårt heterogena sätt att presentera forskningsverksamheten på institutioners och gruppers hemsidor.

LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) är Lunds universitets forskningsinformationssystem. Här kan du som forskare synliggöra flera olika aspekter av din forskargärning. LUCRIS är Lunds universitets registreringsgränssnitt för publikationer och annan forskningsinformation så som information om forskare, grupper, projekt och forskningsrelaterade aktiviteter inom t LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) är ett forskningsinformationssystem som syftar till att registrera forskningspublikationer, projekt, samarbeten och andra forskningsrelaterade aktiviteter. Som forskare ansvarar du själv för att hålla din information i LUCRIS aktuell. Detta inkluderar bland annat presentation av din forskning, uppdaterad publikationslista This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy.